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*** evilbot joined #bots
<evilbot> !help sex
<moo> sex is for people with social skills not for bots.
[Discussion of the hts-challenges]
<nsbgerard> they teach you how to search source code
<nsbgerard> and do basic mathematics
<blissi> nsbgerard if you need hts for that then fail....
<ScrAm> you're on Windows
<ScrAm> use mIRC.
<Zackfett> i tried
<Zackfett> it wouldnt work
<ScrAm> why wouldn't it?
<Zackfett> the whole use for 30 days thing
<Zackfett> apparently i had it before
<pthug> didn't even realise hts had an irc server :p
<godgryphon> what is anarchist stuff? cracking or something?
<RaineD> taranchala, urbandefine one trick
* taranchala (spaut@HTS-AF010072.orpopcs.clients.pavlovmedia.com) Quit (User has been banned from HackThisSite (farm animals not allowed in residential area))
* fas (fas@funstuff.tk) Quit (User has been banned from HackThisSite (farm animals not allowed in residential area))
* evilbot (evilbot@HTS-AF010072.orpopcs.clients.pavlovmedia.com) Quit (User has been banned from HackThisSite (farm animals not allowed in residential area))
* DangerBot (DangerBot@HTS-AF010072.orpopcs.clients.pavlovmedia.com) Quit (User has been banned from HackThisSite (farm animals not allowed in residential area))
* KarmaBot (KarmaBot@HTS-AF010072.orpopcs.clients.pavlovmedia.com) Quit (User has been banned from HackThisSite (farm animals not allowed in residential area))
* spaux (spaux@HTS-AF010072.orpopcs.clients.pavlovmedia.com) Quit (User has been banned from HackThisSite (farm animals not allowed in residential area))
* Ninjex (ninjex@HTS-AF010072.orpopcs.clients.pavlovmedia.com) Quit (User has been banned from HackThisSite (farm animals not allowed in residential area))
<case> if it's got a hole, it's hot
<missingRemote> u might like me then
mutant: this is my impression of apples
mutant: fuck you fucking fag.. fuckin noob .. learn to fucking read
mutant: and this is karec
mutant: sorry
mutant: my
mutant: keyboard
mutant: is
mutant: fucked
mutant: all
mutant: to
mutant: hell
mutant: and this one is xelix
mutant: >_>
mutant: <_<
mutant: hai newfags
<krackz> nigga shuttup
<krackz> nobody cares
<warfreak2> *you don't care
<Hitekrednek> lol
<krackz> and I am nobody
* Hitekrednek is now known as nobody
<nobody> no you're not
<krackz> well played
<nobody> :)
<apples> man i really enjoy deleting files
<apples> it would be cool if i could be a professional file deleter
<apples> like go around on people's computers and delete a bunch of things
<apples> so they have free space
<apples> i would call myself delete king
< Ninjex> I should be heading out as well
< Ninjex> Gotta be up in 6hrs
< mShred> it's the morning
< mShred> you trippin
< Ninjex> I work nights foo
< mShred> dude, my weekend starts in like 8 hours
< Ninjex> So what are you suggesting
< weekend> "your" weekend
< Ninjex> I call out of work
< mShred> teehee
< mShred> mabad weekend
< weekend> we're not exclusive you know, we never talked about that sort of thing
< rained> LOL
< weekend> you don't OWN me
< mShred> i sorry bb
<pookleblinky> apples dumped core all over Younix once
<pookleblinky> Poor guy was washing hex out of his hair for weeks
<Wells> what kind of development is currently active on hts
<anarkakari> Wells: its a sekkrit
<Wells> in other words, nothing
<Nintendo64> kool that I beat real 2 eh
<Nintendo64> I'm gonna try using that on other places
<Nintendo64> and it will be real hacking
<russkiy> but you can encrypt md5!! with a simple md5_decrypt([string]) in php...
<russkiy> decrypt*
{ Kage} Dude, those chicks' nipples are longer than slothearn's dick
{ Kage} Which isn't saying much
{ Kage} But still
[ slothearn] it says a lot for nipples
{ Kage} FUCK, those are nasty
{ Kage} slothearn, considering you're, what, 1" erect?
{ Kage} Yeah, I guess a little
[ slothearn] depends on the temperature
[ slothearn] with enough thermal expansion I can get 1"
[ slothearn] otherwise it's a few mm
[ slothearn] metric and all
[ slothearn] but in the cold my dick is so small that even observing it would change its state
{ Kage} Hahahahaha
{ Kage} Nicely done
{ Kage} slothearn, place it in the LHC, they'll get some nice camwhore pics for you to post
[ slothearn] indeed
{ Kage} "What's that spec in this spectrograph?" "That's the left teste"
[ slothearn] they could slam my cock into other quantum particles
[ slothearn] and read the defraction patterns
{ Kage} slothearn, that's about the only chance you'll have of slamming your cock into anything
<+Kage> marko/st, I just fucked my girlfriend
<+Kage> Her pussy feels 1000000x better than a hand
< marko/st> Kage, you slut
< Fenrir> Wait a minute, you were at the keyboard, had sex, then came back to tell people?
<+Kage> Fenrir, it was a quicky. She had a quick moment free from WoW, wanted some nookie
<L0ck3d> Whats telnet?
<AR> alright guys
<AR> i used to masturbate regularly once a day
<AR> now with college and stuff i have to go 2-3 days at a time without fapping
<AR> and my sex drive just goes through the roof after like 2+ days
<AR> does anyone else experience this?
<weekend> everyone does
<weekend> or not
<weekend> perhaps AR
<weekend> you should start socialising
<weekend> and what not
<AR> maybe you should as well
<AR> do you want to be my wingman
<weekend> not really
<grayhat> Hello.
<AR> oh hi
<AR> nice to meet you
<krackz> what ho
<grayhat> Likewise.
<krackz> AR is this you socialing?
<AR> krackz, dude shut up im trying to get laid here
<grayhat> O_o
<AR> grayhat, I'm andrew, what's your name
<grayhat> mark
<AR> fuck
[@Phate] i once photoshopped a picture to prove to my friends i get laid
[@Phate] problem was it was the lemonparty picture..
{ Kage} Phate, sad thing is, you never have and never will.
{ Kage} Phate, even worse
[@Phate] Kage, i don't need to, i have a wow account and a computer
{ Kage} Now you're a permavirgin who sucks old men's dicks
{ Kage} Phate, WoW is the best contraceptive EVAR!
[ slothearn] clorox works pretty well too, Kage
[@Phate] Yeah its an excuse not to get laid and its a repelant incase that doesn't work
{ Kage} I'm telling you, the people at Blizzard are secretly contraception controllers
{ Kage} They're making sure no one fucks anything but themselves or a fleshlight
{ Kage} Or a hairbrush
[@Phate] Yeah but i tell you what, if they worked with the cardboard industry they'd be rich
[@Phate] i mean i've a ton of cardboard i made from household tissues under my chair
[ terminus] gross
{ Kage} Phate, that is fucking gross
{ Kage} Holy fucking shit...
[ slothearn] XD
{ Kage} Damn, well played
[@Phate] i should use it for roof insulation
<doob> IceShaman, C++ is low level programming
<doob> you want easy coding, go for high level shit like PHP or java
<NightQuest> I'm on an Ubuntu livecd, burning a fedora core livecd
<pookleblinky> It is that time of night when we forget who we are and why we are here.
<pookleblinky> And where our pants have gone
<Fenris> What's a segmentation fault mean?
<lolage> It means it's your fault that your segmentation has ceased to be.
<Neme> GoogleIt
<Neme> (tm)
<Fenris> <.<
<Fenris> Idiots
<Neme> Fenris, rather than typing out expansive paragraphs explaining the fundamentals of operating system memory management, I can simply direct you to Google and save this poor channel from an ascii storm of shit nobody wants to read
<Neme> oh wait
<Neme> this channel *IS* an ascii storm of shit nobody wants to read
<Neme> my bad O_o
<Fenris> Haha ^_^
<Fenris> It's basically just a function that calls itself indefinately though
<Rijnzael> o rely
<Neme> see :-) GoogleIt and you learn :-)
* Neme snickers
<Neme> this is just another example of why I <3 you people
<Neme> Go forth and conquor, Fenris
<Fenris> Hah
<Zackfett> anyone who wants to see it, i created a blog
<Zackfett> [Edited out]
<Zackfett> its got stuff about lockpicking in it
<@pookleblinky> "The tool being used should first be lubricated with a glycerine-based handlotion or hand cleaner before inserting it"
<@pookleblinky> I dig this.
<Zackfett> lol
<Gogeta70> : /
<Shadow_Obscura> Everyone stfu
<Shadow_Obscura> I've had a fucking awesome idea
<Shadow_Obscura> Gogeta and girlfriend have said child
<mrbear> name it mrbera
<mrbear> bear
<Shadow_Obscura> From the age of 2, they raise the child to be a 1337 hacker
<Gogeta70> heh.
<mrbear> o shit
* Gogeta70 plans an abortion
<mrbear> lock it in a closet with a laptop and 1000 computer books?
<Shadow_Obscura> By the age of 15 the child is the 1337est hacker in existence
<Shadow_Obscura> And all the other hackers are jealous
<Shadow_Obscura> Which leads to several assasination attempts, car chases, explosions, computers and maybe just maybe some sex scenes
<Shadow_Obscura> And Gogeta writes a book about it
<Shadow_Obscura> And the book turns into a film
<Shadow_Obscura> And the the film turns into a book
<Shadow_Obscura> And gets a shitty video game
<Shadow_Obscura> And all the royalties go to me
<Gogeta70> eheh...
<Shadow_Obscura> And I'm adding that to the qdb
* Neme is away [Smoke]
* xenomaster is glad he quit smoking
* Zod goes to smoke double for xenomaster
<xenomaster> well...i stopped smoking cigs at least
<Do_The_Jew> he smokes pole
<xenomaster> pole != the bowl
<weekend> lies
<weekend> I mean
<weekend> no lies
<weekend> .. cary on
<xenomaster> ROFL
<wired> i'm going to go find some 14 yr old
<wired> have sex with her
<wired> and then be like
<pacifico> so this pedo guy jeff
<ljsmithx> I would bash his knees in then put a shotgun in his mouth and blow his brains across the floor
<Romnous> ljsmithx, good fantasy you got there
<ljsmithx> It is
<Romnous> you do S&M too ?
<Rijnzael> .wik scourge of the earth
<MrWiki> "The relational database management system (RDBMS) officially called Oracle Database (and commonly referred to as Oracle RDBMS or simply as Oracle) has become a major presence in database computing." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scourge_of_the_earth
<xenomaster> XD I took Pascal in high school
<fiftysixer> lol
<Terminal> xenomaster, I'm sorry.
<Terminal> Did they give you the rocks?
<Terminal> or did you have to go out and find them?
<xenomaster> lol
<vh04x> lol me too
<Terminal> That is what you used as a computer right?
<h4xlemur> XD
<Monica> Let me tell you a story, son.
<Monica> It's about two kitties.
<mutant> oh god
<Monica> The story will help you relax.
<Monica> Oh...
<mutant> are they on a cloud?
<Monica> Mutant, WTF are you doing in here?
<Monica> Yes, the kitties are on a cloud.
<mutant> ;_;
<Monica> Mutant, are you cheating on HackThisSite with HH?
<mutant> XD
<Monica> I don't believe in open relationships, Mutant.
<ss23> please someone
<ss23> this is meant to be a help channel...
<Nohusuro> ..
<Nohusuro> what do you need help with?
* ss23 has quit IRC (Quit: )
<opie4624> ok, am I a moron or is the captcha broke?
<fiftysixer> knowing HTS's reputation,
<fiftysixer> probably both
<opie4624> ok
<opie4624> just checking
<`Cobra> I put a condom over my ethernet port when I was 12... My dad said you used a condom for protection..
<&sas01> My dream is to take a shit in a girl's mouth, but seriously, don't tell Sarah
<&sas01> FUCK
<Antiquae> Fuck us fuckers using fucking IRC fucking networks.
<lordofwhee> wait, you fuck networks?
<Antiquae> No.
<lordofwhee> that's... odd
<Antiquae> Notice the grouping is left-to-right.
<Antiquae> So we're using IRC fucking networks.
<Antiquae> Rather, fucking IRC fucking networks.
<lordofwhee> wait, so you're having intercourse with a protocol?
<Neme> ok, formal protest to "Y" being a taboo "word" on grounds its a common variable used in sample code and mathematical notation
<wired> yes, should be removed
<wired> y = 'tree';
<Neme> don't be silly wired, it would never = 'tree'
<wired> lol
<Neme> only an idiot would assign 'tree' to it
<wired> rofl
<DeZ> i beg to differ :O
<DeZ> why would y != 'tree'?
* DeZ was kicked by HTS-Bot (Watch your language!)
<Neme> hehehehehe
<wired> rofl
<Neme> hook line and sinker
<krackz> someone should make a assembler called organised assembly
<krackz> or ORGASM
<Kahdloc> hmm. hard to find good chick walpapers.
<lilith> yeah never quite know how thin to slice them
<Kahdloc> ....huh?
<lilith> wallpapering rooms with chicks?
<lilith> first you have to pluck them and then its the whole slicing and deboning thing
<lilith> otherwise it just gets this ugly little jabby effect all over the walls
<TheLostOne> sarcastic cunt
<Kahdloc> yeah, the skin's hard to extract.
<Kahdloc> it's delicate work for sure.
<TheLostOne> omg..
<Kahdloc> and it takes /forever/. one chick only covers maybe 6 square inches
<Kahdloc> and that's on the high side.
<TheLostOne> lmao...
<Kahdloc> for a full room, you're looking at several hundred. maybe thousands
<Kahdloc> the blood does make a nice paint though.
<TheLostOne> well it cuts down on overpopulation huh?
<Kahdloc> a little i guess
<TheLostOne> haha
<TheLostOne> someone needs to quote this
<obnauticus> Dude, if you rape a chick with your proptery in her vagina, can you say it's legal because you were trying to get whatever she put up there with your penis?
<ScrAm> of course.
<blissi> fuck off pm'ing me benindorn, i may of fingered your box but that doesnt make me your girlfriend! Pm me again and i'll castrate you
<s1Nn3r> what is the unix command for cd
<bfamredux> oh fuck me
<bfamredux> what's my NS pass =/
<bfamredux> ah yes
<bfamredux> 22 char passwords are tough to recall =/
<Kutan> Wow.
<Neme> I'mgettingitfrombehind
<Neme> is that it?
[21:26] <hack> Ok
[21:26] <hack> From now on
[21:26] <hack> everday
[21:26] <hack> we are going to gline one user off the server
[21:26] <hack> until it is just me left
[21:26] <_1> L0L
[21:26] <hack> kinda like that island
[21:26] <hack> I'm holding open voting sessions tommorow
[21:27] <hack> but, tonight, you can cast your early votes
[21:27] <_1> i saw we gline bottle of juice
[21:27] <hack> ok
[21:27] <hack> I vote _1
[21:27] <_1> :(
[21:28] <hack> now, keep in mind, I can;'t be voted for
[21:28] * _1 is now known as _3
[21:28] <hack> LMAO
17:16 -!- Tiksi [tiksi@DarkVirus.org] has quit [Input/output error]
17:16 -!- Tiksi [tiksi@DarkVirus.org] has joined #hackthissite
17:16 -!- Tiksi [tiksi@DarkVirus.org] has quit [Input/output error]
17:17 -!- Tiksi [tiksi@DarkVirus.org] has joined #hackthissite
17:17 < Tiksi> as I was saying
17:17 -!- Tiksi [tiksi@DarkVirus.org] has quit [Input/output error]
<lochis> guys does anyone here know how to flood a server?
<the_real_tlogic> politely ask your local firestation to borrow a hose
<hitekrednek> lol
<lochis> guys can someone help me here with some sertius info?
<lochis> *serius
<hitekrednek> *serious
<lochis> yea sr
<lochis> so can someone here help me with some serious info?
<Tiksi> cereal*
<Nietzche> man i just realized that i skipped sleeping today to make a hello world binary a tiny bit smaller
<einz> denial of sex service
<einz> that is worst
<gloom> My GF used to always give me DoS attacks :(
<gloom> But that's only because I wanted to like 15 times a day o.O
<fastfinger> i patched my gf
<fastfinger> she had too many holes
<ministry[seannigel]> software or wetware ;-)
<sas01> Rofl
<sas01> fastfinger, I hope you deleted that backdoor ;)
<gloom> o.O
<fastfinger> no no
<fastfinger> buttplug
<gloom> I don't think he deleted it, but i'm sure he blocked it several times
<sas01> Ah ok
<fastfinger> i need that hole at times
<sas01> A crafty little plugin?
// Zeus is trying to install Ubuntu.
<Zeus> Would windows 95 have enough memory?
<Zeus> my ME OS is f'ed up anyways
<nazgjunk> wtf.
<Stoney> Zeus, it has nothing to do with windows
<nazgjunk> your operating system doesn't have memory
<nazgjunk> your computer does
<metalslug> ...
<Zeus> how can i fix that?
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