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<phantomcircuit> some python + postgresql i wrote running on commodity desktop hardware is fast enough to handle the entire worlds forex needs
<phantomcircuit> WHO IS BOS??
<phantomcircuit> I AM BOSS
<Hitekrednek> I wrote a hello world in C that’s fast enough to handle the world’s demand 1000 times over.
<Joshua> Yes, I should kill myself
<AkariTakai> Sometimes when people write lol they really mean they have nothing useful to say.
<x4dr1th> lol
<x4dr1th> ^^
<DegreesKelvin> Lol
<Sarper> lol
<Sarper> AkariTakai, lol lol lol lol lol lol lol.
< case> oh ur trans e3cb?
< Kage> missingRemote, it scares me, too. :/
< Kage> case, you seriously just now realized that?
< case> well it's the internet
< Kage> Like, fo reel real and not fo plai play?
< case> no1 ever told Me
<Deshi> lol
< Kage> She's only mentioned it like.. I'unno.. so many times that it would overflow an integer counter into the negatives.
<doob> you calling me a loser makes me think your more of a 'loser' each time you say it
<Zeldafan500> i beat all the besic missions except 6
<Zeldafan500> >:(
<Zeldafan500> so no im not the loser
<doob> what make you come to that conclusion?
<doob> *makes
<Zeldafan500> because i beat all the basic missions except 6
<Zeldafan500> i cnat get 6 -.-
<Zeldafan500> * cant
<doob> i beat all the basic missions and 1 - 3 on realistic...
<doob> the reason i dont do more is because i have a busyt social life outside of this IRC
<Zeldafan500> so do i
<Zeldafan500> i have msn and i go to forums
<Zeldafan500> I have alot of friends at school over 50 on msn and alot on forums
<doob> i bet you have tonnes of msn contacts thogh
<doob> i wish i had virtual buddies like you
<doob> espercially on forums
<Zeldafan500> ya but u dont so u lose
<FrozenFire> I can't get my penis to fit on the screen
<Xerati> then stop 100x zooming in
<wired> i'm going to go find some 14 yr old
<wired> have sex with her
<wired> and then be like
<bren2010> Kage, being completely serious right now, does jokerrr possess a keyboard or any effective means of computer input?
<bren2010> mouse...?
<bren2010> braille setup...?
<Kage> He signals 1's and 0's by penetrating his hard or soft dick, respectively, into a specially designed port.
<Kage> He's currently busy designing the ASM commands to establish a socket connection to communicate with HTS IRC
<Kage> It takes a while
<Kage> Mainly due to the impotentcy
<AR> seriously guys, lets stop fighting with each other. We need to band together and attack easterbunny.
<easterbunny> >.>
<LoGiCaL__> if there is a heaven it would consist of getting laid by hot chicks and sneaking around like splinter cell oh, and hacking of course lol
<kiyoura> Silent-Shadow
<Monica> Hehe.
<kiyoura> you're still my daddy
<kiyoura> always
<Monica> I summoned him just for you, kiyoura.
<kiyoura> <33
<Monica> ;)
<kiyoura> thanks Monica
<kiyoura> Silent-Shadow the watermelon thing will always be OUR joke
<kiyoura> dude im gay
<Mac> can i brute force real 1 ?
<spaux> Kage, phabricator should update on cron, theres a bash script in the documentation
<spaux> Our phabricator is already out of date :P
<Kage> You told me to put Phabricator in our own git
<Kage> So how would that work?
<spaux> you can have more than one remote
<spaux> git remote add source git@github.com:facebook/phabricator.git
<spaux> git pull source master --threeway
<fas> lol
<Kage> I'll call the cron script helicopterDick.sh
<fas> Kage++
<spaux> awww shiiiiiit
<NoXzema> OMFG
NoXzema kicks self in head.
<Yuji1> ...Wow and he the stupidity saw it coming and he still kicked his self in the head.
[@Phate] i once photoshopped a picture to prove to my friends i get laid
[@Phate] problem was it was the lemonparty picture..
{ Kage} Phate, sad thing is, you never have and never will.
{ Kage} Phate, even worse
[@Phate] Kage, i don't need to, i have a wow account and a computer
{ Kage} Now you're a permavirgin who sucks old men's dicks
{ Kage} Phate, WoW is the best contraceptive EVAR!
[ slothearn] clorox works pretty well too, Kage
[@Phate] Yeah its an excuse not to get laid and its a repelant incase that doesn't work
{ Kage} I'm telling you, the people at Blizzard are secretly contraception controllers
{ Kage} They're making sure no one fucks anything but themselves or a fleshlight
{ Kage} Or a hairbrush
[@Phate] Yeah but i tell you what, if they worked with the cardboard industry they'd be rich
[@Phate] i mean i've a ton of cardboard i made from household tissues under my chair
[ terminus] gross
{ Kage} Phate, that is fucking gross
{ Kage} Holy fucking shit...
[ slothearn] XD
{ Kage} Damn, well played
[@Phate] i should use it for roof insulation
<pookleblinky> IncandescentLight practices that rare martial art that defeats enemies by means of deep squat thrusts
<mutant> sex?
<russkiy> but you can encrypt md5!! with a simple md5_decrypt([string]) in php...
<russkiy> decrypt*
<AR> alright guys
<AR> i used to masturbate regularly once a day
<AR> now with college and stuff i have to go 2-3 days at a time without fapping
<AR> and my sex drive just goes through the roof after like 2+ days
<AR> does anyone else experience this?
<weekend> everyone does
<weekend> or not
<weekend> perhaps AR
<weekend> you should start socialising
<weekend> and what not
<AR> maybe you should as well
<AR> do you want to be my wingman
<weekend> not really
<grayhat> Hello.
<AR> oh hi
<AR> nice to meet you
<krackz> what ho
<grayhat> Likewise.
<krackz> AR is this you socialing?
<AR> krackz, dude shut up im trying to get laid here
<grayhat> O_o
<AR> grayhat, I'm andrew, what's your name
<grayhat> mark
<AR> fuck
<blissi> fuck off pm'ing me benindorn, i may of fingered your box but that doesnt make me your girlfriend! Pm me again and i'll castrate you
<Terminal> tasty sense of humor
<Neme> I do my best
<Neme> Though it usually results in charges of pedophilia
<Neme> I remember my first debugging experience, fondly...
<Neme> ERROR: LINE 60
<Neme> DELETE 60
<ss23> please someone
<ss23> this is meant to be a help channel...
<Nohusuro> ..
<Nohusuro> what do you need help with?
* ss23 has quit IRC (Quit: )
* Myrddin (Myrddin@914B528D.19013AF.878CE03B.IP) has joined #help
<Myrddin> ello. :)
<Myrddin> Anyone know of a decent flv/mov/avi to .swf converter?
<Myrddin> Been searching for a few days now...
<Fenrir> ffmpeg
<mischief> youtube is good for that.
<Myrddin> Fenrir, does it do conversion??
<Myrddin> :O
<Fenrir> ffmpeg? what are you google deaf?
<NightQuest> I'm on an Ubuntu livecd, burning a fedora core livecd
<Fenris> What's a segmentation fault mean?
<lolage> It means it's your fault that your segmentation has ceased to be.
<Neme> GoogleIt
<Neme> (tm)
<Fenris> <.<
<Fenris> Idiots
<Neme> Fenris, rather than typing out expansive paragraphs explaining the fundamentals of operating system memory management, I can simply direct you to Google and save this poor channel from an ascii storm of shit nobody wants to read
<Neme> oh wait
<Neme> this channel *IS* an ascii storm of shit nobody wants to read
<Neme> my bad O_o
<Fenris> Haha ^_^
<Fenris> It's basically just a function that calls itself indefinately though
<Rijnzael> o rely
<Neme> see :-) GoogleIt and you learn :-)
* Neme snickers
<Neme> this is just another example of why I <3 you people
<Neme> Go forth and conquor, Fenris
<Fenris> Hah
<phantomcircuit> apples, you enjoy penis
<apples> you betcha
<trust-no-one> lol
<trust-no-one> i second that
<phantomcircuit> trust-no-one, you also enjoy penis?
<phantomcircuit> wat
<apples> wat a homo
<godgryphon> what is anarchist stuff? cracking or something?
<xenomaster> XD I took Pascal in high school
<fiftysixer> lol
<Terminal> xenomaster, I'm sorry.
<Terminal> Did they give you the rocks?
<Terminal> or did you have to go out and find them?
<xenomaster> lol
<vh04x> lol me too
<Terminal> That is what you used as a computer right?
<h4xlemur> XD
<E8newallm> Can you rape me anyway
<ruth> what is my greet again
<orklitu> -NickServ- Greet message: Muslims pray to Allah five times a day (Muhammad was said to have bargained it down with Allah from 50).
<ruth> Hahahaha
<ruth> yeah
<ietzche> hahaha
<ietzche> moses could have gotten in down to 3
<reZo> and kitty is on my lap atm >_>
<xenomaster> lol
<xenomaster> mine are outside
<xenomaster> i let em go, but they keep coming back.
<xenomaster> kinda like my ex wife
<`Cobra> I put a condom over my ethernet port when I was 12... My dad said you used a condom for protection..
<nsbgerard> R.I.P. to tupac
<NightQuest> he's dead?
<nsbgerard> rofl
* kiyoura wants a monkey
<xelix> Why
<kiyoura> NO ONE ASKED YOU.
<xelix> Something to handle your banana ?
<kiyoura> ....
<kiyoura> Besides...you'd need a tree to hold mine anyway.
<apples> man i really enjoy deleting files
<apples> it would be cool if i could be a professional file deleter
<apples> like go around on people's computers and delete a bunch of things
<apples> so they have free space
<apples> i would call myself delete king
* AugustDerlith is god
* AugustDerlith is your god
* nsbgerard is ALLAH
<AugustDerlith> im actually athiest
Younix> i swera to drunk im not god
<crazor> check out the hot pussy
<amarja> where
* Wyrmkill sets ban on crazor!*crazor@539A65FD.9A336D83.F2BF0A84.IP
* Wyrmkill sets ban on amarja!*amarja@yourmums.house.com
* Wyrmkill has kicked amarja from #help (Done. Come back in a week.)
* Wyrmkill has kicked crazor from #help (Done. Come back in a week.)
(3/16/09 01:01:08P) [ Tiberius] kage when i get my bar number can i represent HTS? :D
(3/16/09 01:01:14P) [&weekend] not if in those 3 years time you find out that what you realy want to do is a 5 year plan
(3/16/09 01:01:36P) [ Tiberius] 3 years of lawschool right?
[3/16/09 01:01:40P] { Kage} Tiberius, Is trolling allowed in US courts?
(3/16/09 01:01:46P) [&weekend] it is not
(3/16/09 01:01:47P) [ Tiberius] LOL
[3/16/09 01:01:49P] { Kage} Then no
<Neme> ok, formal protest to "Y" being a taboo "word" on grounds its a common variable used in sample code and mathematical notation
<wired> yes, should be removed
<wired> y = 'tree';
<Neme> don't be silly wired, it would never = 'tree'
<wired> lol
<Neme> only an idiot would assign 'tree' to it
<wired> rofl
<DeZ> i beg to differ :O
<DeZ> why would y != 'tree'?
* DeZ was kicked by HTS-Bot (Watch your language!)
<Neme> hehehehehe
<wired> rofl
<Neme> hook line and sinker
<Silent-Shadow> since it's a termianl
<Silent-Shadow> tmeirnal
<Silent-Shadow> temrinal
<Silent-Shadow> temrinal
<Silent-Shadow> ...
<Silent-Shadow> termnial
<Silent-Shadow> :)
<Silent-Shadow> damnit
<Silent-Shadow> terminal
<Silent-Shadow> GHA
<Silent-Shadow> HA*
<<CodeWebs>> lawl
<<AznBlazin>> lol
<<AznBlazin>> what does lawl stand for anyways?
#comment: Talking about AC-DC
<anshu89> bt why does angus young wear underwear on stage performance?doesn't he hv enough money?
<hacker5564> how do i do basic challenge 3?
<Tormn> Man
<Mitchell-> by hacking.
<Tormn> You shit fuck
<Tormn> Go learn your damned self
<Tormn> like we all did
<Tormn> stupid noob shit.
<Tormn> shitty fuck noob.
<Tormn> Noobity shit shit.
* hacker5564 (hacker5564@HTS-7DF48AD4.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
<pookleblinky> Real men love eating anything that pops out of a vagina.
<weekend> babies?
<Silent-Shadow> lordofwhee: fail
<lordofwhee> indeed
<lordofwhee> took thirity seconds for one finger to go through...
* xelix slaps Monica around a bit with cawk
<&Monica> But what if I like it...
<Nietzche> man i just realized that i skipped sleeping today to make a hello world binary a tiny bit smaller
<Xerati> it was jsut a ttypo
<bfamredux> oh fuck me
<bfamredux> what's my NS pass =/
<bfamredux> ah yes
<bfamredux> 22 char passwords are tough to recall =/
<Kutan> Wow.
<Neme> I'mgettingitfrombehind
<Neme> is that it?
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